Weekly Status Reports


Amey: Updated website, researched cloud providers and server infrastructure.

Jaspreet: Updated website, preliminary data gathering.

Sai: Created the group, updated website, performed initial data analysis.

Vivek: Joined a team, created website, downloaded datasets, performed initial analysis.


Amey: Created Datetime columns from the flight data #firstcommit, found datasets to merge viz. Weather and Carrier Statistics

Jaspreet: Updated the project description on the website. Explored possible datasets for integration with original data.

Sai: Reviewed potential databases to integrate with existing data.

Vivek: Performed high-level analysis of existing data (including data from outside IL). Researched external datasets for integration task.


Amey: Worked on data mangling for the plots, binning the data etc.

Jaspreet: Worked on the plots and tables for Grade C part of the project. Also, analyzed the ways to layout the plots and tables.

Sai: Created plots for the grade C part of the project. Also, Created an input field to select the month.

Vivek: Researched additional data sets for integration.


Amey: Working on B level plots.

Jaspreet: Generated plots for the number of arrivals and departures for all domestic airlines; and the number of flights for most common 15 arrival and destination airports. Additionally, organized the screen layout of the application.

Sai: Created some of the tables for corresponding to plots in Part C. Started working on the plots for part A

Vivek: Automated the process of data wrangling and integration so that one can execute a script to obtain all data necessary for the application.


Amey: Worked on A and B level plots. Created a visualization using the dataset selected for integration

Jaspreet: Brainstormed on grouping different plots together for displaying on application. Currently working on making the application scalable.

Sai: Discussed the final layout for the application and created plots for flights to and from IL. Also created some plots for graduate part of the project

Vivek: Layed out myriad plots, worked on data integration, and refactored code for readability and performance.